Saturday, April 11, 2009

Workshops w/ Thomas Ashman & Lynne Perrella


Whew, Life certainly has been a whirl wind for me...

Now that I am at the end of all the "have to do's" like get a job, a place to live, move, paperwork, paperwork.....

I feel a rush of emotion, wonder where I go from here...

Today, I step back from these feelings to just be here at my store, surrounded by wonderful stuff, wonderful people, beautiful scenery and just be.

Be grateful for my Artists' Nook people and the part of my life which gives me the biggest sense of hope and appreciation for all that I have!

I have posted on My Life's Passion Blog about "To Just Survive Life or to Live Life"

I am getting ready to host workshops with the fabulous Keith Lo Bue, a great person for me to spend some time with at this time in my life. A good soul, for sure!

I took Keith's "Shrines & Icons" Workshop in Virginia 3 years ago.

Keith's has a refreshing approach to putting together found objects into a shrine by choosing objects that naturally want to go together.

Also, He has you think about looking at the items not as their intended purpose in the "real" world but how they will work in your art. Keith taught me how to add interest by creating movement in my objects as doors to peak into which gives interaction with the "audience", the observers.

And that is just a small part of what Keith teaches in his Shrines & Icons workshop!

There is still room in all of Keith's Workshops.....
Check it out

Workshop Registration Now Open For.....

Thomas Ashman, Mixed Media Artist from Utah

Mini Copper Journal w/ Thomas Ashman (6/26)

Tin Men w/ Thomas Ashman (6/27)

Copper & Glass Journal w/ Thomas Ashman (6/28)

Lynne Perrella Workshops

Color Catalyst- One Day w/ Lynne Perrella (7/31)

Color Catalyst- Two Day w/ Lynne Perrella (8/1-8/2)

Plus, Added The Artists' Nook Creatibity Group....

A chance to make some time for yourself by creating around other creative People!

Several dates to choose from...

Check out The Artists' Nook Creativity Group